Thai Language Learning Online

Learning Thai language online can be ideal for study as and when time allows.

Transparent language online is one of the best courses available with the

course structured in units, each consisting of short lessons and interesting


Start to learn straightaway by clicking on the Thai written word to hear it and

see the word written in English and Thai. The word can be repeated as often

as you like until you are familiar with it.

The sound speed can be adjusted which is good for newcomers to Thai

language sounds and the lesson can be saved as a PDF for printing if desired.

Activities are listed at the bottom of the window and can be initially in a map

form or in preview type flashcards.

A really useful feature here is the pronunciation practise activity where you

can listen to the native speaker first and then record your own version for

playback. We already know that Thai language is very tonal and this feature is

great for practising the spoken word until you are satisfied that you are

getting the tones to a good standard.

‘Recognise and write it’ is a good test to see if you can remember the English

version and this is probably the activity where most beginners will practise.

On the left panel are Byki Quickstart Words and Vocabulary, the flashcard

type of learning system which helps in forming an invaluable base vocabulary

of common words to build upon.

The ‘produce and say it’ activity will test to see if you have the Thai phrase

correct or not, great for revision when you have spare time, again based on

flashcard learning.

For advanced users, the ‘Four Square’ activity really is fun. The native speaker

gives four phrases and you have to match the correct Thai written phrase on

one of the cards. This is good for testing memory of written phrases.

‘Game show’ is an activity inserting missing Thai characters, again for the

more advanced student, as is the ‘dictation’ activity where the student inserts

the given word or phrase using an on screen keyboard in Thai or Roman

depending on the setting chosen. The keyboard view can be maximised too

which helps to identify the tone marks used in Thai writing, on the keys.

The ‘Explore’ function gives some language and culture tips, has a blog type

of forum and a word of the day.

Mobile facilities are also included for downloading learning lists for i-pad, i-

phone and Android devices.

Overall, a pretty comprehensive Thai Language learning package from the

beginner through to the more advanced student; and fun too. Go to course.

Thailand Genius
For Everything Thailand
Copyright © 2014-2015 All Rights Reserved
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Thai Language Learning Online

Learning Thai language online can be ideal for study as and

when time allows.

Transparent language online is one of the best courses

available with the course structured in units, each consisting of

short lessons and interesting activities.

Start to learn straightaway by clicking on the Thai written word

to hear it and see the word written in English and Thai. The

word can be repeated as often as you like until you are familiar

with it.

The sound speed can be adjusted which is good for newcomers

to Thai language sounds and the lesson can be saved as a PDF

for printing if desired.

Activities are listed at the bottom of the window and can be

initially in a map form or in preview type flashcards.

A really useful feature here is the pronunciation practise

activity where you can listen to the native speaker first and

then record your own version for playback. We already know

that Thai language is very tonal and this feature is great for

practising the spoken word until you are satisfied that you are

getting the tones to a good standard.

‘Recognise and write it’ is a good test to see if you can

remember the English version and this is probably the activity

where most beginners will practise.

On the left panel are Byki Quickstart Words and Vocabulary,

the flashcard type of learning system which helps in forming an

invaluable base vocabulary of common words to build upon.

The ‘produce and say it’ activity will test to see if you have the

Thai phrase correct or not, great for revision when you have

spare time, again based on flashcard learning.

For advanced users, the ‘Four Square’ activity really is fun. The

native speaker gives four phrases and you have to match the

correct Thai written phrase on one of the cards. This is good

for testing memory of written phrases.

‘Game show’ is an activity inserting missing Thai characters,

again for the more advanced student, as is the ‘dictation’

activity where the student inserts the given word or phrase

using an on screen keyboard in Thai or Roman depending on

the setting chosen. The keyboard view can be maximised too

which helps to identify the tone marks used in Thai writing, on

the keys.

The ‘Explore’ function gives some language and culture tips,

has a blog type of forum and a word of the day.

Mobile facilities are also included for downloading learning lists

for i-pad, i-phone and Android devices.

Overall, a pretty comprehensive Thai Language learning

package from the beginner through to the more advanced

student; and fun too. Go to course.

Thailand Genius
For Everything Thailand
Copyright © 2014-2015 All Rights Reserved
Home Home

Thai Language Learning Online

Learning Thai language online can be ideal for study as and when time allows.

Transparent language online is one of the best courses available with the

course structured in units, each consisting of short lessons and interesting


Start to learn straightaway by clicking on the Thai written word to hear it and

see the word written in English and Thai. The word can be repeated as often

as you like until you are familiar with it.

The sound speed can be adjusted which is good for newcomers to Thai

language sounds and the lesson can be saved as a PDF for printing if desired.

Activities are listed at the bottom of the window and can be initially in a map

form or in preview type flashcards.

A really useful feature here is the pronunciation practise activity where you

can listen to the native speaker first and then record your own version for

playback. We already know that Thai language is very tonal and this feature is

great for practising the spoken word until you are satisfied that you are

getting the tones to a good standard.

‘Recognise and write it’ is a good test to see if you can remember the English

version and this is probably the activity where most beginners will practise.

On the left panel are Byki Quickstart Words and Vocabulary, the flashcard

type of learning system which helps in forming an invaluable base vocabulary

of common words to build upon.

The ‘produce and say it’ activity will test to see if you have the Thai phrase

correct or not, great for revision when you have spare time, again based on

flashcard learning.

For advanced users, the ‘Four Square’ activity really is fun. The native speaker

gives four phrases and you have to match the correct Thai written phrase on

one of the cards. This is good for testing memory of written phrases.

‘Game show’ is an activity inserting missing Thai characters, again for the

more advanced student, as is the ‘dictation’ activity where the student inserts

the given word or phrase using an on screen keyboard in Thai or Roman

depending on the setting chosen. The keyboard view can be maximised too

which helps to identify the tone marks used in Thai writing, on the keys.

The ‘Explore’ function gives some language and culture tips, has a blog type

of forum and a word of the day.

Mobile facilities are also included for downloading learning lists for i-pad, i-

phone and Android devices.

Overall, a pretty comprehensive Thai Language learning package from the

beginner through to the more advanced student; and fun too. Go to course.

Thailand Genius
For Everything Thailand
Copyright © 2014-2015 All Rights Reserved
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